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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Applying Shub Classroom and Azota Saves High School English Teachers’ Time on Marking Students’ Test.

28 Jul 2024, 11:40
B1-702 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Professional Development Parallel Oral Presentations


Thị Y Vân Tạ (Vinh Phuc)


Teachers have been spending a considerable amount of time recording student’s improvement, leaving them litlle time for teaching preparation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the helpfulness of shub classroom and azota application in assisting high school English teachers to grade and monitor students’ academic performance. To find answer to the research issue, we asked 28 English teachers in four different high schools in our province to record the time they comsume on grading one class learners’ work with and without these above learning applications in 4 months. In October and November, teachers gave their students (in one targeted class) two written tests weekly, then remarking and noting down students’ mistakes themselves. In the next two months teachers gave students online tests on shub classroom or azota, which automatically graded students and listed their incorrect answers on the same regular basis. Interview and comparative analysis matrix method were used after each two months among these teachers to figure out the time they saved to mark students with the help of technology. The result revealed that, thanks to AI technology, the two aforementioned online learning applications saved teachers 2 hours 45 minutes a week in grading students’ two tests on average. If the implementation of automatic grading on shub classroom and azota runs well, it can improve the effectiveness of teachers’ marking; as a result, no longer will teachers suffer from burnout with marking.

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