PROCEEDINGS OF VIC 2024: Call for Full-Text Papers. Submission Deadline: 30 December 2024!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Convention Venue

University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) is one of the country's key universities. After 48 years of establishment and development, with a team of professors and lecturers trained in prestigious domestic and international universities, with in-depth expertise and high scientific reputation. UEH has made many practical contributions to scientific research through many international publications, key research topics at the government and local levels, and applied research projects, with an extensive international cooperation network with more than 125 international education partners around the world including the United States, France, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, etc. In particular, UEH has trained thousands of officials, economists, and managers with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees for the whole country, ensuring quality and reputation and holding important positions at government management agencies; domestic and international businesses; leaders, lecturers of universities, colleges, etc. 
In October 2023, the Prime Minister signed Decision 1146/QD-TTg on transferring the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, making it officially one of 7 higher education institutions in Vietnam operating under the Multidisciplinary University model and marking an important milestone for UEH in upgrading its management model. Besides UEH Vinh Long Campus, UEH officials established 03 member colleges including:

  • UEH College of Business
  • UEH College of Economics, Law and Government
  • UEH College of Technology and Design

For the outstanding achievement in the process of construction and development, the collective of officers, lecturers and staff of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City was awarded by the President 02 Third Class Labor Medals (1986), 02 Second Class Labor Medals (1991), 02 First Class Labor Medals (1996), Third Class Independence Medal (2001), Second Class Independence Medal (2010), First Class Independence Medal (2021) and the title of Labor Hero (2006). In addition, in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Education and Training, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City is in the Top 10 Universities with the most prestigious international publications in Vietnam (2019), Top 05 Universities with the most prestigious international publications and ranked first in international publications in the field of economics and business in Vietnam (2020). In accordance with the QS Asia 2024 rankings, UEH reached the Top 301+ of The Best Universities in Asia. Visit this video for more information.