The emergence of ChatGPT is a valuable opportunity to revolutionize the development of teaching and learning materials for language learning. Despite the potential benefits of integrating ChatGPT into IELTS Speaking, there is a notable gap in research regarding its practical application in this domain. Existing studies have not specifically addressed the edges and challenges of applying ChatGPT in IELTS Speaking courses. To apply chatGPT more effectively in IELTS speaking, we conducted this action research, aiming at sheding light on 1/ students’ perspectives towards the application of ChatGPT in their IELTS Speaking skill, and 2/ teachers' reflection on the process of using ChatGPT in developing IELTS Speaking materials. Three collection instruments namely questionnaire, interview, and teaching journal were used. Results showed students’ remarkably positive responses to ChatGPT application. It not only helped teachers make helpful in-class resources scaffolding students in terms of outline, vocabulary, ideas and sample answers, but also provided students with valuable self-study aid which was claimed to be straight to the point, time-saving, and responsive. Challenges for students and teachers were also revealed since ChatGPT-based materials could be overwhelming for some students unless adapted appropriately by teachers. Regarding suggestions, teachers were advised to select and adapt the materials suggested by ChatGPT carefully and develop the skill to write effective prompts. Additionally, when using ChatGPT for self-study, students should practice their own learning autonomy, paraphrase the suggested ideas and use the materials as input in a critical way instead of copying the answers and eventually depending on AI.