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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

A Hybrid CLIL Model for Primary School Students: An Application in Technology Limited Access Educational Context

28 Jul 2024, 11:40
B1-806 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Technology Parallel Oral Presentations


Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong (University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi) Huong Nguyen (ULIS - VNU)Dr Huong Quynh Tran (Hanoi National University of Education)Ms Phuc Nguyen (University of Languages and International Studies) Thi Hieu Thuy Tran (VNU University of Languages and International Studies)


Cutting-edge technology has significantly impacted English education by offering alternative delivery and assessment methods, which might enhance learning opportunities in under-resourced communities. Hybrid learning models have been initiated as a solution to the shortage of English teachers since English is a compulsory subject for Vietnamese students from Grade 3. However, there has been little research addressing the evaluation of such hybrid programs. This qualitative case study aimed to evaluate a hybrid CLIL program for children at primary school by examining its overall goals (Context); plans and resources (Input); activities and components (Process); and outcomes and objectives (Product). Grounded on a multi-layered evaluation framework for hybrid CLIL programs, data collected from semi-structured interviews with stakeholders of the program, classroom observations, technical observations, and content analysis of teaching materials and the learning management system were deductively and thematically analyzed and triangulated. The studied hybrid CLIL program is found to be a pioneer in increasing the exposure to English of children to mitigate the digital divide in areas with limited access to technology. However, the concerns about redefining the roles of CLIL teachers and local co-teachers as well as appropriate training in collaboratively teaching synchronous online CLIL lessons are identified through the findings. Additionally, there is a need to reconsider the course objectives, structuring, and assessment methods in order to expand the technologically-oriented hybrid model in an effective way.

Primary author

Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong (University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi)


Huong Nguyen (ULIS - VNU) Dr Huong Quynh Tran (Hanoi National University of Education) Ms Phuc Nguyen (University of Languages and International Studies) Thi Hieu Thuy Tran (VNU University of Languages and International Studies)

Presentation materials

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