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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Fostering Idea Development Skills in Academic Writing for English Majors: A Practical Approach for High School Gifted Students with The Assistance of ChatGPT

27 Jul 2024, 15:55
B1-407 (UEH)



Workshop Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Workshops


Hoang Ry Ngo (Le Thanh Tong High School for the Gifted, Hoi An, Quang Nam)Mrs My Dung Tran (Le Khiet High School for the Gifted, Quang Ngai)


In the realm of English language studies, the cultivation of idea development skills is paramount for producing quality academic writing. Despite its significance, many students, particularly those majoring in English, often struggle with generating and articulating compelling ideas. This thesis paper addresses this challenge by presenting practical techniques aimed at enhancing idea development skills among high school gifted students majoring in English. Drawing upon both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, this research emphasizes a pragmatic approach to improving writing quality, transcending mere theoretical discourse. Leveraging the assistance of advanced language models, particularly ChatGPT, this study proposes innovative methods such as stakeholder analysis, discussion clocks, and effective use of examples to stimulate and refine students' ideation processes. The scope of this paper focuses on high school students enrolled in gifted English programs, acknowledging the unique educational context and heightened academic expectations within this demographic. By offering practical strategies grounded in real-world application rather than abstract theories, this research aims to empower English majors with the tools necessary to excel in academic writing, ultimately fostering a generation of skilled communicators capable of producing impactful written work.

Keywords: Idea development, academic writing, English majors,,practical approach, ChatGPT, stakeholder analysis, discussion clocks

Primary authors

Hoang Ry Ngo (Le Thanh Tong High School for the Gifted, Hoi An, Quang Nam) Mrs My Dung Tran (Le Khiet High School for the Gifted, Quang Ngai)

Presentation materials

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