PROCEEDINGS OF VIC 2024: Call for Full-Text Papers. Submission Deadline: 30 December 2024!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Integrating Rap Music to Support and Strengthen Language Learning in an Underprivileged Background

28 Jul 2024, 10:30
B1-406 (UEH)



Workshop Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Workshops


Lê Thị Thủy Đào Thúy Nga


Conclusive research worldwide indicates that music and language learning compliment each other. Music is learned much the same way that language is acquired. In addition, the rhythmic movement that accompany music such as clapping, tapping, dance all support and strengthen language learning. Students also show more enthusiasm and respond well to music contributing to the overall success.
Being aware of the unique and perceptive effects that music has on learning languages, including English. As a result of this environment, educators have created innovative instructional methods. With notable success, they have included rap music into their lesson plans, creating a lively and captivating learning atmosphere for their students. Rap music has made students more enthusiastic about studying and less resistant to it over time. More rap-based lesson plans can be created by these educators as they witness their students transition from hesitation to excitement. This initiative, which collaborates with counterparts in the province of Son La, has garnered significant recognition for its capacity to foster vocabulary expansion and minimize learning challenges.
By creating a stress-free and language-free atmosphere, this novel approach motivates pupils on an internal level and makes studying an enjoyable endeavor. Inspired by the successes of their pupils, they try to share their creative methods with teachers around the country in order to spark more extensive pedagogical changes in the field of English language instruction.

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