VIC 2024: A great success! Thank you very much for your contributions. See you again at VIC 2025 in Can Tho City!!!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Enhancing Student Engagement and Activeness in Review Lessons through a Gamification Gallery

27 Jul 2024, 15:00
B1-12A [Zone 3] (UEH)

B1-12A [Zone 3]


Poster Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Posters


Nhan Tran


Review lessons often face challenges in maintaining student engagement, a critical element for effective learning. To tackle this issue, I have been using the "Gamification Gallery" in my K-12 classes. This method not only integrates gamification into the classroom but also empowers students to create their own games, fostering a deeply interactive and stimulating learning environment.
Students are encouraged to design and develop their games based on the curriculum, thereby enhancing their understanding and retention of the material through active participation. This method allows students to engage creatively with the content, adding a layer of personal investment and interest to the review process. By enabling learners to take charge of how they review content, the "Gamification Gallery" promotes collaboration, creativity, and competition, all within a structured educational framework.
The poster will (1) demonstrate how to implement Gamification Gallery in review sessions (2) clarify how other teachers can personalize this model in their lessons; and (3) conclude with an analysis of its effectiveness through both qualitative and quantitative assessments.

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