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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

How to Chat with ChatGPT: Insights from EFL Lecturers

27 Jul 2024, 13:00
B1-704 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Technology Parallel Oral Presentations


Lien Cao (University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University)


ChatGPT, an AI chatbot capable of generating responses based on conversational interactions, holds promise as a tool for enhancing English language teaching and learning. Success in utilizing ChatGPT depends on the formulation and delivery of prompts to the chatbot. This qualitative study explores the experiences of English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) lecturers to understand effective interaction strategies with ChatGPT. With the participation of ten lecturers at a public university in central Vietnam, who have experienced integrating ChatGPT into their teaching practices, the study investigates how EFL lecturers formulate prompts to elicit high-quality responses. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted both online and face-to-face. The findings highlight a consensus among these EFL lecturers that the specificity of prompts directly correlates with the quality of responses. Moreover, the interviews indicated that there were varied approaches employed by these lecturers in engaging with ChatGPT, ranging from one-way requests to two-way critical discussions. While some lecturers perceive ChatGPT primarily as an information provider, responding to imperative sentences and direct inquiries, others view it as a collaborative assistant, capable of interactive communication. For those who adopt a collaborative stance, interaction with ChatGPT extends beyond mere request-response manners; they engage in constructive criticism when dissatisfied with ChatGPT-generated responses, thereby refining subsequent outputs. Throughout the presentation, exemplars of prompts utilized by the lecturers will be showcased, providing tangible illustrations of effective interaction strategies with ChatGPT in English language teaching contexts.

Primary author

Lien Cao (University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University)

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