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26–28 Jul 2024
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English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Applying Corpus Linguistics to English Textbook Evaluation

28 Jul 2024, 09:40
B1-803 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Parallel Oral Presentations


Giang Nguyen Hoang


This study adopts a corpus linguistics approach to evaluate the lexical content of two sets of textbooks currently used in Vietnamese secondary schools, focusing on the analysis of individual words and phrasal verbs. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the vocabulary from grades 6 through 9 in each textbook series, ranking words according to their frequency levels based on the BNC/COCA lists (Nation, 2017). Additionally, phrasal verbs were identified and classified into six proficiency levels from A1 to C2, following the categorization in the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) published by Cambridge University Press. This methodology allows for a detailed and quantifiable comparison of the lexical resources provided by each textbook set, highlighting both common and unique lexical items and their complexities. Given the significant role of teachers in textbook selection as guided by Circular 27/2023/TT-BGDĐT from the Vietnamese Minister of Education and Training, the insights from this research can support educators in making informed decisions about textbook selection based on detailed lexical analyses.

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