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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Using Chat GPT in the Writing of the Undergraduate Research Thesis: A Case Study

27 Jul 2024, 15:00
B1-12A [Zone 1] (UEH)

B1-12A [Zone 1]


Oral Presentation Technology Posters


Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen


The introduction of Chat GPT as a learning tool, is not without its controversy in the area of writing. Chat GPT assists students to improve their writing by analyzing basic compositional functions: grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, and sentence structure. However, teachers have concerns about the misuse of Chat GPT. The blatant and willful use of Chat GPT, without conducting the research or knowing how to edit. Teachers are at-a-lost as to how to control plagiarism, how to teach editing, and teach critical thinking skills, that scientific research demands.
This case study analyzed the use of Chat GPT with two groups of three undergraduate fourth-year students. The experimental group was instructed in the use of Chat GPT to improve the following sections of the undergraduate research thesis: (Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, and Conclusion). The control group did not receive Chat GPT instruction, nor did they use Chat GPT to revise their thesis.
The presenters will provide examples and analysis on: 1. The advantages of writing the undergraduate thesis using and not using Chat GPT. 2. How to deal with plagiarism. 3. Examples of editing by both groups. 4. What sections were improved with the use of Chat GPT. The presenters will share the students’ reflections on the use of Chat GPT. The presenters will also provide strategies on how to instruct students on the ethics of using AI tools, and the merits of critical thinking skills.

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