VIC 2024: A great success! Thank you very much for your contributions. See you again at VIC 2025 in Can Tho City!!!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Utilizing Project-Based Learning Approach in Core English Course Assisted by ChatGPT

28 Jul 2024, 09:00
B1-703 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Parallel Oral Presentations


Ms Meyly Seang (Battambang Teacher Education College, National University of Battambang)Ms Marylin Cheath (COERR Language Skills Center / National University of Battambang)


Teaching methods encompass a wide array of strategies, techniques, and approaches employed by educators and teachers to facilitate learning and foster students’ engagement. Project-based learning is one of the other approaches that are encouraged to be implemented in the 21st century since it emphasizes using real-world, hands-on learning experiences that require students to practice critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. Moreover, this approach is much different from a teacher-centered approach because students are actively involved in all aspects of the projects and more likely to be motivated and engaged throughout the project. This presentation explores the integration of project-based learning approach into Core English course for university students with the assistance of ChatGPT. The attendees will learn how the speakers propose the incorporation of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, as a supportive tool within the project-based learning framework, such as providing suggested topics for the project, guidance, linguistic support to students throughout the project phases, evaluation and assessment for teachers. Furthermore, participants will perceive the process of producing the project for students by getting help from ChatGPT and the examples of the students’ tasks in Core English course. In conclusion, this presentation will be highly beneficial for teachers who aim to utilize project-based learning approach in their classrooms and require help from ChatGPT. For recommendations, teachers and educators should apply this approach with their students because it represents the evolution of education in this century to empower and motivate learners. Therefore, they can also use ChatGPT as an assistant.

Primary author

Ms Meyly Seang (Battambang Teacher Education College, National University of Battambang)


Ms Marylin Cheath (COERR Language Skills Center / National University of Battambang)

Presentation materials

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