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26–28 Jul 2024
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English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The Current Practices of Teaching and Learning ESP at a Sport University in Vietnam

27 Jul 2024, 13:40
B1-801 (UEH)



Oral Presentation Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Parallel Oral Presentations


Dr Huu Doan


In recent years, the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has become one of the primary topics in English language teaching and research. In the educational setting, ESP forms an essential component in the university course as it is designed to provide students with the language and communication skills required for particular fields and occupational or academic purposes. The purpose of this paper was to identify the current practices of teaching and learning ESP for sport students. All the six lecturers of English and the first-year students undertaking undergraduate courses in Sport Coaching and Sport Management were involved in this research. The data were collected in semester 2 of the academic year 2023-2024 while ESP classes were being conducted. The qualitative method was utilized in this study through the analysis of documentation, classroom observations, one-on-one interviews with lecturers of English and students. The findings revealed a number of problems lecturers and students encountered, including course design, teaching methodology, knowledge about the subject matter, students’ English proficiency level, lack of vocabulary, and dependence on google translate. Based on the evidence drawn from this research, recommendations were proposed with an emphasis on the use of technology and ChatGPT to enhance the quality of teaching and learning ESP.
Keywords: ESP, problems, technology, ChatGPT, ESP teaching and learning

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