VIC 2024: A great success! Thank you very much for your contributions. See you again at VIC 2025 in Can Tho City!!!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Improving Young Learners’ Motivation in Reading and Vocabulary Learning Through Authentic Materials

27 Jul 2024, 15:00
B1-12A [Zone 1] (UEH)

B1-12A [Zone 1]


Poster Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Posters


Linh Can (University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National University, Hanoi)


The study explored how the use of authentic materials promoted learners’ motivation, improved reading skills and increased the volume of vocabulary in young learners. The study involved 46 fifth-graders who are taught reading with real-life materials like emails and letters, post cards, advertisements and graded readers, besides the compulsory textbook, over the course of one semester. Both quantitative and qualitative data collected from pre-tests and post-tests, class observations and teacher interviews were analysed. Data showed that reading materials from authentic sources led to young learners’ greater interest and more willingness to participate in the lessons. In addition, it was also revealed that there was significant improvement in 87% and 92 % of the students as regards reading comprehension and vocabulary scores respectively. The findings suggest that if authentic materials are properly used with well-designed tasks and elaborate teacher’s guidance, young learners’ motivation to learn and their language knowledge and skills can be considerably enhanced.

Key words: young leaners, authentic materials, motivation

Primary author

Linh Can (University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National University, Hanoi)

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