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26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

An Investigation into Logico-Semantic Relations of Expansion in Congruent and Incongruent Expressions

26 Jul 2024, 16:05
B1-203 (UEH)



279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Ward 5, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
Doctoral Forum Presentation Teaching Methods and Applied Linguistics Doctoral Forum


Ms Tuyết Nhung Giã Thị (Teacher at University of Science and Education - DN University)


The system of expansion plays an important part in developing on the experiential meanings of clause through the elaboration, extension and enhancement of its meaning. This paper attempts to describe the logico-semantic relation of expansion in English and Vietnamese clause complexes in the light of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). Based on 200 samples containing the phenomenon of expansion in scientific texts, publicism texts and literary texts in English and Vietnamese, this paper uses descriptive, qualitative and quantitative methods to describe the processed data, interprete the analyzed data and find out the logico-semantic relation of expansion in English and Vietnamese clause complexes. By doing so, the paper points out the similarities and differences in the structure of the phenomenon of expansion in both languages and proposes the application of the phenomenon of expansion in language teaching to improve reading, writing and text construction skills.

Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics, expansion, logico-semantic relations, elaboration, extension, enhancement.

Primary author

Ms Tuyết Nhung Giã Thị (Teacher at University of Science and Education - DN University)

Presentation materials

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