PROCEEDINGS OF VIC 2024: Call for Full-Text Papers. Submission Deadline: 30 December 2024!

26–28 Jul 2024
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone
English Language Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Boosting Student Engagement in Self-Paced Learning through AI

27 Jul 2024, 15:00
B1-12A [Zone 2] (UEH)

B1-12A [Zone 2]


Technology Fair Technology Posters


Dung Lê Thị Ngoc (Thot Not Secondary school)


Today’s education students are increasingly digitally savvy, accustomed to technology being woven into every facet of their lives. They expect the same from their learning experiences. Traditional classrooms, while still vital, are no longer the only avenue for knowledge acquisition. The rise of self-paced e-learning courses post-Covid is a testament to this shift, enabling students to learn according to their own schedules. But how can we ensure these learning experiences remain engaging, personalized, and effective? The answer lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AI is a powerful tool that’s reshaping our approach to education, especially in the realm of self-paced learning. AI brings immersion to self-paced learning. AI can transform static course materials into dynamic, interactive content. With AI, students receive immediate, constructive feedback based on their responses and interactions, promoting understanding and continuous improvement. AI can even provide feedback on open-text answers, guiding students towards more comprehensive and thoughtful responses.
AI’s potential to revolutionize the education space goes beyond merely enhancing student engagement. It’s about transforming the educational landscape to allow for greater scalability and more authentic assessment methods, without imposing an overwhelming workload on educators or requiring costly new platforms. AI can help to make assessments more authentic, relevant, and indicative of a student’s grasp of the subject matter.
In a nutshell, AI not only empowers educators to better manage their time but also enables them to provide a richer, more personalized learning experience for their students. In the educational realm, integrating AI into self-paced learning can help students take more ownership of their learning journey, boosting engagement, comprehension, and ultimately, academic success.
The future of higher education is undoubtedly intertwined with AI. As we look ahead, the challenge lies not in whether we should use AI, but how we can harness its potential to enhance the educational journey of every student. With AI, we have the opportunity to make self-paced learning more than just a convenient alternative to traditional classrooms—it can be a personalized, engaging, and highly effective learning journey.

Primary author

Dung Lê Thị Ngoc (Thot Not Secondary school)

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